Andrew and Emma let us borrow one of their cars and we made our way south to the wine region of Margaret River. We stopped at several wineries and stayed in the area for 3 days, unfortunately (for you), that time was spent wine tasting... so we forgot to take pictures.

We stopped at Hamilton Bay see the sting rays that are visible from the beach. The wind was too strong and the waves were too rough to be able to see anything but the beautiful beach.

We drove down to Pemberton to see the Gloucester Tree. It was originally used by the fire fighters to see where the fires were, but now was just for tourists. It was rod iron pikes hammered into a 180ft tree. It had no safety catches, only a lookout platform at the top. We were not quite brave enough to make it up, but we did give a token picture effort.

We had thoughts about a nice Valentines day in a hotel, but due to lack of planning and supplies we made due at a camp site at Windy Harbour with butter and jelly sandwiches, an orange and chips for dinner. The town at the end of the long long road to Windy Harbour was a little odd and reminded us of a horror movie setup. The guy walking around with the axe didn't help the "cozy" atmosphere any. We made it through the night and treated ourselves to a great breakfast in a little diner in Northcliffe.

These two pictures were taken in Yallingup, just north of Margaret River. Great place for waves and some body surfing. Emma wouldn't go into the water in the top picture (because the waves were breaking right on the beach) but would swim with her newly made friends pictured behind her in the calmer waters. They wouldn't take a picture with her so that's why she looks so grim. (Tony was making fun because I was swimming at the beach with the old people).

The Fremantle Prison is the Oldest Prison in Western Australia and housed a lot of bread and carrot thieves in the old days. Before its closure about 20 years ago (or something like that) they gave a lot of the known artist in the prison paint and brushes and told them to paint freely knowing that 6 months after the closure the prison would be turned into museum and tourist spot. It was the most colorful prison we have seen.

Aunt Pat, Uncle Tim, Nam, Tony and I made a day of at the prison, the Little Creatures Brewery and walking around Fremantle. This is us at the harbour in Fremantle.

"Lucy in the sky with diamonds", This is Lucy. The product of Emma and Andrew. She was adorable and so well mannered we barely knew she was there. My favorite roomie since leaving on the trip, Jay-Kay Tony's the best. Hahahaha. We both need sleep right now, we are laughing at nothing.

So cute.
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