Encounter with Indonesian mosquitoes on the squatter. No... its anti itch cream that is shiny and orangeish-brown.
Ghetto super star, that is what you are... coming from afar, reaching for the stars... drive away with me, to another place, we can rely on each other ahhahah. In Indonesia they take pride in decorating public transportation. The company with the loudest sound system and flashiest style gets the most passengers. The english titles of the busses were a nice touch, even though few Indonesians speak english. Our favorite was "Dik Tator" which we didnt manage to capture in all its glory, but we will keep you abreast of all the ghetto goodness!
You are in Indonesia and the only pictures we get are of your butt and some busses? WTF??? :) Thanks to Martha we actually check out your blog :) Yay Martha!
Hope you are having a wonderful time and your bottom stops itching soon!
Lots of love,
The big Sista
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! me and my roommates are laughing our asses off! those buses are awesome!! we want the last one so try and snag it if you can :) continue posting the amazing pictures! i love you both!
Amen Sistas! What! Where are the good pics? haha. love you guys! miss ya's like crazy,
just to make sure that it is perfectly clear... that is Tony's ass in the picture, not mine. and the good pictures are coming soon, those were just easier to post.
hey man...you have got to FOREWARN!!!!!!! i opened this at work and my poor TA thinks this ass has herpes!!!! Emma...it is very comforting that this lumpy hairy ass is my brother's, yet it is terribly disturbing. tony, just sit in some calimine lotion and for god's sake when you pass out be sure your ass is under the mosi net!!! love ya, the G's.
that is soo funny! tell your TA that it is all good, it cleared up fine. When you cant see herpes that means you are cured right? ;)
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