Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fiji, Nacula and Kandavu

Again, tony roughing it. The beach is our view from our room.

This is the view on the way to Nacula. (i think)

We swam through this underwater passage to a whole cave system the Fijian tribes used to hide in during wars, obviously when they were not at the advantage.

This walk was called "the hill" ... oh your going to "the hill". It was about two hrs up but it gave a view of the whole island and the surrounding ones. It was hot as heck and not a cloud in sight.

Our plane to Kandavu, it sat about 6 people, including the pilot

The room below is our "private" Burre, not so private with flax and bamboo walls but it was great!! It tilted down just enough so that we had an ocean view laying in the bed... under the mesquito net. (always under the mesquito net)

This was the view from our porch/balcany

The resort was all spread out among the jungle so you could barely see where the other rooms were. There were about 13 people staying there, and you only saw them at dinner. It was amazing. This is where we met Andrea and Martin who we stayed with in Wellington. Low tide gave us a sand beach with a thin layer of warm water that you could lay in. The waterfall is in the village nearest the resort. You had to climb up a smaller waterfall to get to the cavern where this waterfall was. The water was freezing but you would barely notice. When you swam up to it it pushed you back so you really had to fight to get to it.

Our room mate

Fiji, Nadi and Waya

This is where we stayed our first night in Nadi Fiji, We had the entire dorm to ourselves. We took a boat the next day to Waya in the Yasawas.

This is the view from the boat out to Waya

This was our first "island resort", complete with outdoor dining and swimming pool.

The picture above is of the fijian village that we went to on Waya. The burres were made of tin or concrete, rarely the traditional flax and bamboo that the tourist ones were made out of.

Tony "roughing it"

Friday, November 2, 2007

Our home "Chugg"

So we are really bad at this game of "picture posting". Here is just a couple, its our "Chugg", complete with kitchen, recreational area/sofa, portable fridge/counter top/chopping table/nightstand, and bed. It screams down the road at a blazzing speed of 90km/h. Luckily everyone else drives slow, so it doesn't seem like we are.

First Set of Pictures

The one of us together is at the tip of the South Island Marbough Sounds. We took an eco tour to a reserve and this was the view from the top. We saw endangered birds, dolphins (tiny ones) and little blue penguins nesting.
The sunrise was taken the day we were on the Able Tasman Coastal Great Walk and had to cross the estuary before the tide came in. The other picture is of tony crossing the estuary in ankle deep freezing cold water just about 10 min after sunrise. The boat was our ride home from the walk, they just pulled it out of the water... and we were all still in it as it drove down the street to our car park.
The rocks above are the Pancake rocks. There was a coastline of these rocks with numerous blowholes. It was amazing to see!